Annual Reports

This is our shared journey.

  • Annual Report 2022

    In the early months of 2022, Greenpeace journeyed to Antarctica on the Arctic Sunrise carrying a crew made up of individuals from across the globe and a small but mighty two-person submarine called the DeepWorker. The mission: Building support for ocean sanctuaries to protect marine biodiversity. The region is particularly challenging when it comes to exploration, from freezing temperatures to constantly changing ice conditions and bouts of extreme weather. This journey was extraordinary for the sheer volume of work the team was able to accomplish.

  • Annual Report 2021

    In 1971, a handful of the first Greenpeacers leased a rickety old fishing boat and set sail to an island in the Arctic to stop the test of a nuclear bomb. Their daring journey captured the world’s imagination and sparked a movement that grew to become today’s global Greenpeace network. Today, our understanding of the world is deeper and richer. We can now do things and communicate in ways that are mind-blowing by 1971 standards. Yet our spirit and resolve are unchanged. And at the heart of it all has always been one thing: the Greenpeacers and generous supporters all over the world who together are the people power that gets things done!

  • Annual Report 2020

    2020 was a year filled with challenges and heartbreak. As the impacts of COVID-19 escalated, Greenpeace gathered our courage, and drew on our nearly 50 years of talent and expertise to continue the fight for our planet and to join the calls to protect those left most vulnerable by the pandemic. Cynical actors decided to take advantage of the crisis as cover to get the things that they’ve always wanted. Trump’s EPA rolled back restrictions on pollution controls, and the plastics industry jumped in to exploit the pandemic by scaring people about the safety risk of reusable bags. That’s why Greenpeace acted to investigate polluters and the politicians who enable them, to expose the corporate and political elites who hope their profiteering goes unnoticed, and to mobilize Greenpeacers like you to stop them.

  • Annual Report 2019

    Thanks to your support, 2019 was a history-making year with our epic pole-to-pole expedition in our global Protect the Oceans campaign. We held the world’s biggest brands accountable for their failure to eradicate deforestation. We illustrated why climate leadership must include phasing out fossil fuels. We called out supermarkets for failing to take action on single-use plastics; and we analyzed how dirty energy is powering some of the internet’s biggest players in spite of their commitments to go 100% renewable. We were also honored to partner with actor and activist Jane Fonda to escalate the urgency of climate action with the Fire Drill Friday demonstrations.

  • Annual Report 2018

    Thanks to our members’ generous support, Greenpeace was able to protect our Earth sanctuary in many vital ways throughout 2018. The year was packed with hard-fought battles — and victories! — for our environment, our communities and our rights. As you review the work you have been able to achieve, we hope you will be gratified with the progress in the defense of our oceans, forests, climate and democracy.

  • Annual Report 2017

    In spite of the Trump administration’s extremely regressive policies, in 2017 we saw notable wins for human rights, ocean and forest protection, water safety, and our climate. Greenpeace’s growing community made all of it possible, not only with monetary contributions but also with individuals taking personal action, giving their time and their talents, and turning out in full force collectively to show the world what people power can do.

  • Annual Report 2016

    Greenpeace’s 2016 Annual report marks our achievements on the 45th anniversary year of our organization’s campaigning for a green and peaceful future. These achievements were possible because of you, our donors. We hope you will be gratified as you review the progress that you made a reality, in the defense of our oceans, forests, climate, and democracy.

  • Annual Report 2015

    In 2015, we celebrated the 45th anniversary of the concert that funded the first Greenpeace voyage with a special music-themed edition of our Annual Report. From our campaign to save the Vaquita to Russian wildfires to ensembles performing in front of Shell's London headquarters, 2015 added another important page to Greenpeace's history as both an organization and a global environmental movement.

  • Annual Report 2014

    In 2014, Greenpeace supporters helped to bring the Arctic Sunrise home. Greenpeace supporters, allies and friends also took to the streets to call for climate justice, helped transform the supply chain of one of the largest, most well-known companies in the world and drew important attention to the horrible practices taking place on the high seas.

  • Annual Report 2013

    Greenpeace’s 2013 Annual Report took readers from the forests of Indonesia to the skies above North Carolina to the town of Lincolnville, Maine where Captain Pete Willcox shared the story of the Arctic 30.

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